A Writer's Sketchbook - Pencil

Fahdu Tatachru


In high school I did much better in my 3D art classes than my 2D art class. I loved sculpting and constructing, but the materials were expensive and they always seemed to make a mess, and the results could not be stored in my binders or notes.



Without a proper digital tablet and pen, I found computer paint programs awkward and the results painfully simplistic. Until I entered the realm of 3D software, I relied on the primitive (and affordable!) pencils and pen.

Captain Moracey Talon



Cantata Cover Sketch


Asond and Tomah - Early Concept Sketch

Sketch - Pencil 1992

This was actually drawn sometime in the early 1990s when I was first plotting out Song of Asolde. The characters have evolved considerably since then.

Individuals: Asond, Tomah,

Sayings from Ialfa
'The only strength that lasts the summer is your own.'
-- A Borgim Proverb
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com