The Viashi Card Deck

Loot (also called Plunder)

A web version of this game is available. No special plug-ins needed to play.

For 2-4 players.
This game has proved to be one of the two most popular games that have been invented for the Viashi deck, the other is Crusade. Loot is less intelligent and more silly than Crusade.

Shuffle the deck and deal nine cards to each player. The remaining cards are placed face down in the middle of the play area to form a draw pile. The top card of the draw pile is removed and placed face upwards to create a discard pile.

Each player takes turns taking the top card of either the draw or the discard pile, and then discarding one card by placing it on the discard pile. Play continues until one of the players announces that they have fired the village. If you run out of cards in the draw pile, remove all but the top card of the discard pile, shuffle those cards, and place them face down to create a new draw pile.

After each player has played at least one turn, any player may announce that they have fired the village at any time.

The object of the game is to create the card combinations that will score the most points. Valid combinations are: runs -- a rank sequence at least four cards long (ie: prince, princess, warrior, merchant; or merchant, worker, magician, fool.), sets -- three or more of the same rank (including god cards in their equivalent rank position), and colors -- four or more cards of the same suit. A game ends when a player reaches either 100 points, or -100 points.

When the village is fired, all players must immediately reveal their hands to the other players, and determine how they wish it scored. Each card in a valid combination scores as two points, and each card not yet in a valid combination when the 'village is fired' counts as negative it's rank number. (Un-combined princes count as minus three points, un-combined fools count as minus nine, and an uncombined Protectress would count as minus five. An uncombined Changeling counts as -18 -- see below.) Cards cannot be counted as part of more than one combination, unless a color combination of cards also contains a run within it, in which case the color and the run are scored as two separate combinations. If six continuously ranked cards in a run, are each of a different one of the six colors, you score an extra five points.

Any god card that was in hand at the firing of the village effects the scoring of the cards. Each god-card effect is applied to everyone's cards, regardless of whose hand the god card came from.

  • The Lady - runs are worth double points.
  • The Dark Lord -runs are worth half points.
  • The Builder - colors can be only three cards, instead of four.
  • The Thief - uncombined cards count as 0 instead of minus their rank.
  • The Protectress - colors are worth double points
  • The Seductress - colors are worth half points
  • The Minion - sets are worth half points
  • The Friend - sets are worth double points
  • The Changeling - all fools (rank 9) are worth double points. (God cards count as equivalent rank, so the Changeling doubles itself.)
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Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com