A few Quotable things that people have said about L. Shelby's Books

“Please keep me in mind to crit book two” —A Critter, about Talking With Winds

“...my only criticism is that it's a bit short.” —An Editor, about Talking With Winds

“You create instantly vivid characters...” —Mary Anne Stout, about Velvet Lies

“You have a really great attention to detail.” —A Critter, about Talking With Winds

“You have a real flair for action and character, a rare combination.” —An Editor, about Dark Moon Light

“...Gilbert and Sullivan with virtual music.” —Brian M. Scott, about Cantata in Coral and Ivory

“I'm enjoying the read - definitely a fun space opera romp!” —A Reader, about Eyes of Infistar

“It is a terrific piece -- original, well written, very exciting and with a superb main character.” —An Editor, about Dark Moon Light

“A very light, chamber-like piece, mostly strings and the woodwinds section.” —A Critter, about Cantata in Coral and Ivory

“In one word: Wow!” —A Reader, about Velvet Lies

“Brava, brava, bravissima!” —A Reader, about Cantata in Coral and Ivory

“Delicious smooth but crunchy sentences, like eating chocolate caramel ice cream.” —Mary Anne Stout, about Pavane in Pearl and Emerald

“The dry and subtle humor is charming.” —A Critter, about Cantata in Coral and Ivory

“I really liked this -- one seldom sees much of court, in fantasy novels, and this was a lovely comic opera one.” —A Reader, about Cantata in Coral and Ivory

“These books were far, far too distracting for me and I have gotten nothing useful done for the past couple of days. Don’t start the first unless you have time to finish both it and the second.” —Rachel Neumeier, about Serendipity’s Tide

“...I found I was smiling in delight...” —A Critter, about Cantata in Coral and Ivory

“The second time around I laughed even more...” —Mary Anne Stout, about Velvet Lies

Quote from Cantata in Coral and Ivory
'Your tongue is like the elephant herds of the fesc-lands: slow to start, but mighty in its anger.'
-- Isde Lare
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com