Cultivator Universe Story Quotes

“Rescuing maidens is all a part of the service.” —Algernon Russell in Eyes of Infistar

“Sentients that aren't sure they ever existed have trouble remaining on the steady side of sane” —Terrence Wysorickovitz, about the Cultivators in Sails of Everwind

“We keep our membership fees low, that is why we are the largest interstellar organization in known space.” —Galactic Empire Propaganda

“Cultures that go around throwing visitors over their saddlebows don't deserve to be protected.” —Bambi Wysorickovitz in Eyes of Infistar

“If that's a professional attitude, I'm a blue ape.” —Bambi Wysorickovitz in Eyes of Infistar


Keywords: Cultivator, Science Fiction,

Hexblurb for Eyes of Infistar
Babelicious kick-butt detective chases artifact theives.
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com