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Eyes of Infistar News

If only I could do that every day

Yesterday's word count: 16647

That was 1723 in one day, which isn't spectacular for one day if I was trying to see how much I could write in a day, but that was just what happened during my regular morning write session.

If I could do that every day, or even most days, I could change my goal to 1500 words a day /7500 a week, and I could aim for two books a year instead of three every two years…

That sort of math is dangerous though. I need to learn *consistant* and until I know I've got that down I don't dare push. So I'm not going to try do that again today. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not….
How many times do I have to repeat that before I've convinced myself?

I guess now that I've gotten past the fun conversation I was doing yesterday, just sitting down to write something else will probably convince me.

Azure had the idea of little tiny elves living in our house while she was playing a doll game. The concept was a lot like the Littles, or the Borrowers, but I don't think she's ever run into the Littles or the Borrowers. I said I thought it would make really cute pictures in Poser, but Azure doesn't want to do pictures in poser. So I did one.

P.S: (May 2nd, 2004)
I have now posted a slightly updated version at the Lavender Dreamscapes Website.

New Trick

Yesterday's Word Count : 13898

I have recently fallen into a pattern that disturbs me. I get up and my brain doesn't seem to want get moving quite yet, so I do email as a warm up, and spend all morning polishing up some message or other, and either get to story writing way later than I want, or worse, not at all.
So my new plan is to blog before writing, using the blog to get my brain in gear rather than email. (Some people might be able to do it, but I somehow doubt I will ever have so much to say in a blog that it takes me all morning to write one entry).
So far this week I have written only 2032 words. This is Friday. To make my quota I need to either write 3K words today, or more believably 1.5K today, and the same again tomorrow. I have been hoping that I would get with it enough that I made my quota Mon-Friday leaving weekends open for critiquing. Sigh!
Trying to do 3000 words today I think would be a bad idea. So do I try for half that, or do I just aim for my daily quota, do crits tomorrow (I'm a dedicated reader for someone's novel, I need to get it done before I earn any credits for it, and if I don't have enough credits, Chymera won't make it to the end of the queue and get posted.) I think I'm going to just worry about today. My recent word counts haven't been such as to convince me that writing 1500 words today is even possible.
So I'm off to arrange for Serena's meeting with some scientists and to get Bambi in an argument with Algernon. Cheers!

Not as much progress as I'd like

Word Count: 12951

I've been getting infections, Boyd's been on vacation, the kids had a snow day…
I have, however, done some critting, and submitted Cantata to the critters' queue, finally, and been doing some poking around trying to put to gether a script to help me with the horrible names-in-a-thousand-languages problems, and I've gotten *some* writing done, just not as much as I think I ought.

Boyd bought himself a copy of Settler's of Catan, finally. So we've been swapping sheep for wheat like crazy over the past couple of days. Yesterday was a snow day, our kids were home from school, so we invited a friend over and played some more.

Settlers has this one serious drawback. You can only play it with three or four players. And in our family we have *five* people interested in the game. So as soon as you finish one game the person or persons left out immediately start clamouring that they want to play. The metagame dynamics have occasionally got rather interesting.

Generic vs. Unique

Word Count: 8311

Was reading comments on Talking with Winds.
'Too generic, if you want to sell it you are going to have to insert something unique.'
I could make fairly major changes to Cantata and all it took was a bit of thinking to see what would fit. But they were changes because the story was obviously broken, and I knew it was in trouble while I was writing it, and I hardly had to change anything in the first half to fix it, either. Trying to come up with a change to make to “fix” a story that isn't inherently broken sounds… less doable.

Besides, for me the delight of Racciman's World has always been the “generic done right” aspect of it. There is a *reason* why there are elves and humans and dwarves and etc. There's even a reason why they all speak the same language. Samanth's talent isn't supposed to reveal animals that, because the linguistic barrier has been breached, now sound just like humans — but animals whose communications are realistically limited to actual animal communications. I can't do “generic done right” without also being generic.
So maybe Song of Asolde will never be published. Or maybe it will only be published after I've made a name for myself with other books. I dunno, but at the moment I'm very dubious that I will be able to add in some gimick to make it more publishable without, for me, ruining what is the point of the whole thing.

Next question. Is Eyes sufficiently “un-generic” to get published?
Once again, I'm playing with standard genre conventions… although in a different genre.

I *like* reading typical stuff done well, I don't, as a reader demand something usual or unique in every book. I read *regencies* for heaven's sake, where I go… “Oh look, another wife won in a card game plot,” or “oh look, another gentlewoman forced into business plot” and so forth. It's the details and the quality of the writing and so forth that make the book worth reading, not some new “gimick”. I mean, gimicks are cool when you meet them and they work, but I get tired of the “gimick of the month club”. And you, know, I think there's a bit of a scarcity of straight forward gimickless adventure coming out. Whenever I think I've found one I seem to discover that it's been gimicked with some new form of ickyness. “S&M sex, hey, that ought to sell… child abuse — that's a good twist.” Gack! It makes me think maybe I'd rather buy another Burroughs than risk anything new.

At least Cantata doesn't strike anyone as being generic.
But I would rather not find myself writing *only* Cantata type stories. I like more variety than that.


I finally did the first session of my rpg campaign on Monday. Ben was estatic, but he thought the session itself was too short.
I felt sick on Monday, but I did it anyway, because I knew it would make me happy not to put it off any longer. I needed *something* to make me happy. Monday was my birthday. Being sick on your birthday stinks.

Eyes of Infistar stands at 13?? words, but I didn't write yesterday, and I won't write today. Got some stupid stomach bug dragging me down, and I couldn't sleep last night, and now I'm too tired to concentrate.
But at least I am started.

And I've got no email, I think I'm going to go into withdrawal!
Okay, so I won't really, but only because I'm still *getting* email, I just can't send any right now.
And I'll tell you, that's growing old real fast. I hope the tech people have emailed Boyd with an explanation by now.

Author's Note on the Cultivator Universe

I had created two fantasy worlds, and wanted to do a science fictional one. But I kept having problems. I could build a science fictional universe around a story (see Black Flag for an example of a universe built around a specific story) but to just build one that stood on it's own was for some reason giving me trouble. I finally realized that it was because I was tripping over the fact that science fiction universes are often seen as a continuation of ours: a possible future. My imagination was choking over my conviction that I was incapable of guessing what the future would be.

So instead of creating a possible future, I created an impossible one.

As soon as I had detached the universe I was building from the real world and real life, by centering it on a concept that was scientificly impossible, I was free to be as scientificly rigorous as I wanted to be in everything else. At the same time I remained free to ignore scientific realities when I thought they were getting in the way of a good yarn. The best aspects of both worlds were mine to play with.

Keywords: Cultivator, Science Fiction,

Sayings from the Cultivator Universe
'We keep our membership fees low, that is why we are the largest interstellar organization in known space.'
-- Galactic Empire Propaganda
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com