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Eyes of Infistar News

Another day, another quota

Thursdays Word Count: 32669

I made the quota yesterday by over 200 words, but it was on my second effort, and I didn't finish until after lunch.
Not only that, but with a short day on Monday, and taking Wednesday off to do crits I'm still 1807 words short of the week, and I'm supposed to be at an SCA Demo all tomorrow.

I guess I better get started.

Paying for Frivolity

I seem to have lost an entry.
Monday's Word Count: 30165
Tuesday's Word Count: 31466

I am supposed to work on crits today, and I really need to, but I am soooooo tired!

I FINALLY got to see the Return of the King yesterday, you see. Didn't get home until after eleven, didn't get to sleep until who knows when.
I've got errands that NEED to be run today, too.
But it was worth it.

Another Big Day

Thursday's Word Count: 28891

That's 1718 words. I've almost made my week, but I'm not managing anything even resembling consistent output this time around, am I?

Let's see, I started in February, and I'm supposed to finish in August. At the current average rate of writing, I will have gotten about 70 000 words done by then. Somehow I don't think I'm going to be able to finish the darn thing in 70 000 words. Bleh!
Must do better.
Must avoid coming down with bad infection. (Hah! How do I manage that?)

Eyes, Cantata, and Talking With Winds

Tuesday's Word Count: 27173

I didn't write today, because I've decided that if I need to catch up on crits that didn't happen over the weekend, Wednesday is a better day than Monday. (At least, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.) So I worked on my RFDR instead.

I also picked up a couple more “got it's” for Cantata today. Yay! That means I'm definitely doing better than the last draft, (not that there isn't still a lot of room for improvement, but it would be a bummer if my first set of revisions had done nothing at all). Everyone is being nicely consistent in pointing out, A) a couple typo type errors I somehow missed [wince!], and B) things which confused them, so this next revision is going to be a *lot* easier than the last one. (And that's probably yet another indication that the last rewrite was aimed in the right direction.)

So now the only problem is that with all this helpful feedback, I might actually get it into submitable shape, and I hate the whole process of submitting things.

But, as Patricia C. Wrede keeps telling rec.arts.sf.composition, “Editors never do house to house searches for publishable manuscripts.”

Got back to work on Art stuff yesterday. (I'm getting tired of hand sewing, I want my sewing machine fixed already.)
I'm supposed to be public beta-ing DAZ3D's “Studio” but it runs like molasses on my machine. Reminds me of the first time I tried out the Poser Demo… three machines ago. Maybe I'll actually be able to use the darn thing on my *next* computer upgrade, it does have some awfully sweet features, (although that 'panes snap to fill all available space' thing is *not* working.)

Scene from my Talking With Winds now viewable at both my Writing website and my Weaving Dreamscapes website.

Need bigger cluebat

Monday's Word Count: 26242

2291 words for Monday. When Bambi and Algernon start sniping at each other the words just flow. Now if only I could find the right dynamic for Serena and her Hworill Prince…

I've gotten comments on Cantata from 4 critters now. Two people who “got it” by the end of the first chapter, and two whom I lost completely. 50% would be an improvement from the last set of critiques, but how many people who got lost didn't bother to reply at all?

At least I've got a nice list of places where I'm being too subtle in my explanations (especially vocabularly-wise), so I know where to apply a bigger cluebat. As for the pov thingy, I just can't figure out how to be more obvious than to have one character explain to another what is going on. (Boyd says, 'You need to accept that some people are just never going to get it.')

I'm thinking of translating the name of Ikhsior's ship to make one (or two, someone put it on their list twice because it showed up in the text twice I assume) fewer “strange terms” for people to deal with, and the rest I can hopefully just make a little clearer.

Done for the week

Yesterday's Word Count: 20443

I did it, I made my week goal. Yay! Yay!

I'm not really done for the week, though. I've got a story that I need to submit right away and while I was busy concentrating on writing, one of the Chymera people posted stuff for critiquing, not to mention the critters RFDR I'm doing, and the regular critters stuff…
…I'll probably leave the critting for Monday again, though. I need to spend some time with my family.

Within Sight of the Flag

Yesterday's Word Count: 18862

Just 1062 needed to make my week goal.
If I make it will be the first time I've actually made a week goal since I started working on Eyes.
That'll feel good.
Unfortunately I seem to be feeling fuzzier than usual this morning, and I don't seem to be ready to plunge right in and get it done.

Must…. get…. brain…. in…. gear.

I could work on webpages, I suppose, although that can be rather dangerous, because that's a project that easily can last all morning. Hmm…
I know, I'll put a timer on.

Photo Gallery?

Yesterday's word count: 17820

That means I wrote 1173 words yesterday. I knew that write to much problem would even itself out.

At least I'm in pretty good shape for catching up on monday's missed wordage. I've only got 104 words to split between two days. That's easy. As yesterday's count proclaims, I regularly do that much over just by accident.

It occurs to me that if I'm going to post the updated elf picture somewhere, I need somewhere to post it. Most of my graphics endeavors are related to my writing and can go on my writing website, but not all of them.
I guess that's what I should be doing with the space my ISP provides. 🙂
Make a gallery page, and add it to the brand new link section I have just added to the blog sidebar. (At least, I hope it's added. I guess I need to publish this and check.)

Author's Note on the Cultivator Universe

I had created two fantasy worlds, and wanted to do a science fictional one. But I kept having problems. I could build a science fictional universe around a story (see Black Flag for an example of a universe built around a specific story) but to just build one that stood on it's own was for some reason giving me trouble. I finally realized that it was because I was tripping over the fact that science fiction universes are often seen as a continuation of ours: a possible future. My imagination was choking over my conviction that I was incapable of guessing what the future would be.

So instead of creating a possible future, I created an impossible one.

As soon as I had detached the universe I was building from the real world and real life, by centering it on a concept that was scientificly impossible, I was free to be as scientificly rigorous as I wanted to be in everything else. At the same time I remained free to ignore scientific realities when I thought they were getting in the way of a good yarn. The best aspects of both worlds were mine to play with.

Keywords: Cultivator, Science Fiction,

Sayings from the Cultivator Universe
'We keep our membership fees low, that is why we are the largest interstellar organization in known space.'
-- Galactic Empire Propaganda
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com