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Brotherhood of the Black Flag News

Whenever a convention is coming up…

I go to a grand total of two sf conventions a year (and one filk con) … and it seems like they always happen when I’m feeling particularly unwell. Marcon is this weekend, and I’ve paid my membership fees and reserved a hotel room (a big splurge for me), so naturally I’ve got a sore throat and have been coughing a lot, am having trouble concentrating, and round about supper time my whole jaw starts aching, and I end up having to take some asprin or I can’t get to sleep at night.

On the plus side, after months of working at it off and on, and getting extremely frustrated, I’ve finally come up with an arrangement for Waltz in a Whirl that doesn’t make me shudder. If you go to my main song list page there are some other Black Flag midi’s up their as well.
(One of the nice things about posting midi files is that they are small and download quickly. One of the awkward things is that what they sound like depends a bit on what you are using to play them. The volume and tone of the various instruments is not consistent between my music program (Melody Assistant) and the midi files that it makes, as played by my web-browser’s Quicktime plugin. Makes balancing out the various parts a bit tricky.) 🙁

Black Flag page 35

Weeks of production: 77

33/61 characters created — 54% complete
16/40 constructions modeled — 40% complete
35/217 pages — 16% complete

26% done
Estimated completion date: 2013

This was the Chapter Four title page.
Four pages completed in three days, whoohoo!
Although, that was because I had a bunch of easy little pages in a row — my page count went up, but hardly anything else did. The next page is huge. As long as I get it done in a reasonable amount of time, we should see a nice jump in my completion stats.

Black Flag page 34

Weeks of production: 77

33/61 characters created — 54% complete
16/40 constructions modeled — 40% complete
34/217 pages — 16% complete

26% done
Estimated completion date: 2013

Black Flag page 33

Weeks of production: 77

33/61 characters created — 54% complete
16/40 constructions modeled — 40% complete
33/217 pages — 15% complete

26% done
Estimated completion date: 2013

Black Flag page 32

Weeks of production: 77

33/61 characters created — 54% complete
16/40 constructions modeled — 40% complete
32/217 pages — 15% complete

25% done
Estimated completion date: 2013

Black Flag page 31

Weeks of production: 75

33/61 characters created — 54% complete
16/40 constructions modeled — 40% complete
31/217 pages — 14% complete

25% done
Estimated completion date: 2013

Page 29

Weeks of production: 71

31/61 characters created — 50% complete
15/40 constructions modeled — 37% complete
29/217 pages — 13% complete

25% done
Estimated completion date: 2013

Page 28

Weeks of production: 71

31/61 characters created — 50% complete
15/40 constructions modeled — 37% complete
28/217 pages — 13% complete

25% done
Estimated completion date: 2013

Yay! 1/4 done!
But I've slipped a year. Ouch. Still, I've bumped it up to number one priority at least until I'm caught up. Hopefully that won't take me too long.


I have made my first song using GarageBand.I did it by creating a midi in another program, importing it, and playing with it a bit.Is that cheating?Here’s the original MIDI of Running Blind: The Black Flag Theme, and here’s an Mp3 as produced by GarageBand.What do you all think, is doing the GarageBand thingy worth it?(And, um, suggestions for improvements on the song also very welcome.)

Page 27

Weeks of production: 68

31/61 characters created — 50% complete
15/40 constructions modeled — 37% complete
27/217 pages — 12% complete

24% done
Estimated completion date: 2012

Keywords: Black Flag, Science Fiction,

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Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com