Tatting Designs

Tatted Hearts

 Tiny Hearts Friendship Bracelet (Smooth) - 2015-03-21
 Tiny Hearts Friendship Bracelet (Frilly) - 2015-03-21
 Romance Necklace - 0001-01-01
 Tiny Hearts Bookmark - 0001-01-01

Tatted Stars

 Simple Star - 2015-03-21
 Star Medallion - 2015-04-06
 5-Star Bookmark - 2015-04-07
 5-Star Bookmark Two Thread Sizes - 2015-04-07

Tatted Creatures

 Dragon Pendant - 2015-04-12
 Kitty Face Motif - 2015-10-19
 Split-ring Dragonfly - 0001-01-01
 Lioness Motif - 2016-04-26
 Butterfly Bookmark - 2016-04-29
 Split-ring Dragonfly Bookmark - 0001-01-01
 Mini-Dragon Bookmark - 0001-01-01

Tatted Plants and Flowers

 4-Petal Bookmark - 2016-04-26
 Daisy Chain Bracelet - 2016-04-28
 Two Layered 3D Flower - 2016-04-28
 Simple Floral Barrette and Dangle - 0001-01-01
 Criss-cross Blossoms Bookmark - 0001-01-01
 Filigree-Framed Flowers Bookmark - 2016-04-28

Tatted Bookmarks

 4-Petal Bookmark - 2016-04-26
 5-Star Bookmark - 2015-04-07
 5-Star Bookmark Two Thread Sizes - 2015-04-07
 Butterfly Bookmark - 2016-04-29
 Tiny Hearts Bookmark - 0001-01-01
 Criss-cross Blossoms Bookmark - 0001-01-01
 Filigree-Framed Flowers Bookmark - 2016-04-28
 Split-ring Dragonfly Bookmark - 0001-01-01
 Mini-Dragon Bookmark - 0001-01-01

Tatted Jewelry

 Tiny Hearts Friendship Bracelet (Smooth) - 2015-03-21
 Tiny Hearts Friendship Bracelet (Frilly) - 2015-03-21
 Dragon Pendant - 2015-04-12
 Daisy Chain Bracelet - 2016-04-28
 Simple Floral Barrette and Dangle - 0001-01-01
 Geometric Barrette and Dangle - 0001-01-01
 Romance Necklace - 0001-01-01
Feedback on Pavane in Pearl and Emerald
'Delicious smooth but crunchy sentences, like eating chocolate caramel ice cream.'
-- Mary Anne Stout
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com