About the Story     Chapter One     Chapter Two


Talking With Winds
by L. Shelby

Sneering, sarcastic, and lacking in combat skills, the crown prince of Agolith makes an unlikely hero. But he has promised to rescue a band of nomads, and he takes his promises very seriously indeed.

Author's Notes:

This is the first installment of a story I began many years ago, and then decided to set aside. I didn't like the way it was progressing, and I thought that maybe I just wasn't ready to handle a story of this length, bredth and complexity. Nor did I feel I could do justice to my characters.

But the characters stayed with me, and I found the project impossible to forget. Eventually I decided I was ready to make another attempt.

Frequently animals are depicted in fantasies as being humans with four legs and fur. That can be fun, but occasionally I yearn for stories featuring animals that really are animals, and that was one of my goals in for this particular series.

Feedback on Dark Moon Light
'You have a real flair for action and character, a rare combination.'
-- An Editor
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com