Stories Already Written

Harp & Gyre

Book 1 of Valley of the Morning

Allma wants to be a bard and do great deeds -- instead his unruly tongue and taste for mischief may have started a war -- unless, maybe, he travels to the edge of the world to present his apology, in person, to the dragon council?

50000 words


Talking With Winds

Song of Asolde: Volume One

A handsome young prince rides out on a heroic quest, but being a prince isn't really the same as being a hero -- is having a personal bodyguard and a snarky comment for every occasion really enough to save the day?

80000 words


Stories Planned for Later

Keywords: Fantasy, Racciman, secondary world,

Feedback on Cantata in Coral and Ivory
'The dry and subtle humor is charming.'
-- A Critter
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com