Flora & Fauna

All the plants and most of the animals on Racciman's world look very similar to ones found on our own world.

Mammals: Carnivores

  • Bears
    • Ice Bear. North Coast. 7-10 ft tall when standing. All white, or white with brown patches. Preys primarily on seals, but also eats fish, Horned Tundra Deer, or Wooley Ox.
    • Giant Blue Bear. South Alpine. (Rare). Dark grey coat with silver guard hairs. Omnivore. Eats fish, grubs, roots and honey, carrion, and honey.
    • Spineback Bear. North Alpine. 6-8 ft tall when standing. Coat varies from gold-brown to chocolate brown, with dark guard hairs. Longer guard hairs form a ruff around neck and a ridge down the spine. Omnivore. Eats fish, grubs, roots and berries, carrion, and honey.
    • Common Grey Bear. 4-5 ft tall when standing. North and South lowland forests. Narrower head and lighter build than Blue or Spineback. Coat is Grey/Dun on back and Creamy Tan underneath. Omnivore. Eats fish, grubs, roots and berries, carrion, and honey.
    • Masked Honeybear. 3-4 ft tall when standing. Omnivore. Dark Brown or Black Coat, with cream paws and cream 'mask' around eyes. Eats Honey, Insects, Fruits, and carrion.
  • Canines
    • Wolf. Temperate Forest and Plains, Alpine, and Tundra. Colors vary. Hunts in packs and eats primarily large hooved ungulates but will occasionally resort to smaller prey.
    • Russet Fox. Plains. Mottled Red and Grey coat with white ear-tips and bib. Eats rabbits, prairie dogs, ferrets, prairie grouse, etc.
    • Wood Fox. Lowland Forests. Medium to dark grey with black ears and points. Eats small rabbits, squirrels, etc.
    • Pocket Fox. Lowlands, forest borders. A tan fox with dark brown spots. Eats small prey, such as mice, shrews, birds.
    • Sand Fox. Desert. Grey coat with tan guard-hairs. Eats mice, lizards, snakes, etc.
    • Scrub Dog. Pivotal Grasslands and Scrub. Hunts in packs and singly. Eats any kind of meat.
    • Snow Pup. Tundra. White Fur. Eats small game such as Mice, Shrews, Snow Grouse.
  • Weasle-kin
    • North Mountain Wolverine. North Alpine. 4-6 ft long.
    • Common Red Wolverine. North temperate. 2.5-3 ft long.
    • Giant Spotted Martin. Pivotal Forest. Arboreal.
    • Wood Martin. South Temperate. Arboreal.
    • Gold Mink. Northern Riverbanks and Marshland.
    • Blue Mink. Southern Riverbanks and Marshland.
    • Red-eared Ferret. North Plain.
    • Masked Ferret. South Plain.
    • Common Stoat. Everywhere. (Called ermine when living in cold climes, and wearing a winter-white coat.)
    • Salt Otter. Sea-coasts. Quasi-communal.
    • Dog Otter. North Rivers and Lakes. Communal.
    • Banded Otter. South Rivers and Lakes. Solitary
    • Skunk. Everywhere except desert and deep rainforest. Black coat with three white stripes going lengthwise over the face along the back and down the tail (which is broad and flat.)

Other Mammals

  • Ungulates: Wooley Ox, Horned Tundra Deer, Moose, Mountain Sheep, Gorge Goat, Spring-deer, Spotted Deer, Fern Deer, Marsh Deer, Hill Goat, Masked Antelope, Buffalo, Domestic Sheep, Domestic Goats, Domestic Cattle,
  • Pig-kin: Wood Hog, Giant River Hog, Armored Hog, Horny Mud Hog, Domestic BaconBack, Domestic Miniture, Loam Hog/Hunting Hog.
  • Monkeys
  • Rabbits,
  • Squirrels, Groundsquirrels, Rats, Mice,Shrews, Moles
  • Porcupines

Quote from Talking With Winds
'I like to vary my character faults in an attempt to make up for the fact that I have no virtues.'
-- Prince Asond
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com