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Today's Horoscope

The state of the skies on this day (day 289 of year 2992), as the sun waxes, is as follows:

Asoer, Lord of Heaven, resides in the House of the Pheasant, so the realm of Masculinity is in ascendence. Now is the time to attempt tasks that involve assurance and boldness. Be certain to pay attention to opportunities to make decisions, for these are an advantageous influence while the Pheasant rules the skies.

Nadal, the mother moon, in concealment, resides in the House of the Elephant. This may not be a good time to attempt tasks that require being active, or taking initiative, and be wary of chances for great accomplishments, for these are a disadvantage influence at this time.

Munva, the moon bride, waxing half, resides in the House of the Harvester. The realm of Supplies will dominate your love and family life for good or for ill.

Bildhomor, the moon child, waxing gibbous, resides in the House of the Ship. Today you should seek out activities involving dealing with a great many things at once. for you will find much to be admired in them.

The sun child Ikhsior resides in the House of the Fisherman. This means the realm of Poverty currently dominates your life's direction. Watch for the influences of experiences that decrease your physical wealth but offer other benefits in exchange, these may be particularly beneficial to your future while Ikhsior resides in the house of the Fisherman.

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