The Borgim Empire


The Borgim Empire is divided into principalities. Each principality is ruled by an Eplakil (or, if there was no male heir, an Eplakili). The Empire used to be much larger than it is now, but early in its history about a third of it was conquered by their southern neighbor, and those principalities are now under the rule of the Gidomi.

In the location notes below the term CP refers to the Coral Palace.

Pricipality Name Meaning Location
Blevumtegôu Deep Sky SE
Blidigalguse Silver Circle Central
Bliquoldolli Pleasant Place Gidomi, SE of CP
Bloinil High Tide N Coast
Deuleyeoshe Bull Knee Mid S
Dimhimofo Mid Mounts
Dlôrbemdo Three Bridge Gidomi NE
Donborditopiâi Storm Bay N Coast
Dossafosholfir Terrible Herbs Gidomi Central
Foltoikui Green Water Contains the CP/td>
Gelplopisto Copper Bucket Gidomi Mid S
Gisêshei Lime Eye Mid Coast
Gluosguno Harsh Summit S Mounts
Gokefiso Blind Valley Gidomi Mid Mount
Îsfelofeque Tree Voice Far NW
Inilossefiso Yellow Valley Mid Mounts
Isdulilekhi Rocky Heights N Mounts
Iquisginbe Blue Field SW
Kidevseldi Cat Forest NE
Kónoedaklo Two Scrub-Cats Central NE
Laetomdor River's Teeth Gidomi N Mounts
Lotemtebotli Round Stone Gidomi W
Lisezoanituli Strange Burn Gidomi, Mid S
Mefeordliti New Road S Coast
Meldokesami North Hill Far NE
Noaegipogi Half Head Gidomi, Central
Noaetaipidishi Noon Battle Gidomi, SE
Nelzuadesukis Biting-Bug Land Mid Coast
Nisiloai Bad Sand Gidomi, Mid Coast
Omyêe Seasick Gidomi, W coast
Orbunidlefîe Foam Thunder FarN Coast
Orgulesikêi Dark Pond Central
Piasolaikher Dancing Streams SE
Piaxelae Shallow River Central
Plimgenilkon White Bank Mid S
Peamirgomdo Ox Spring Gidomi, West
Rasomgaeresukis Mute Place Gidomi, Inland
Renplivaite Sharp Shadow S Mountains
Rusbsimâgao Green Water Surrounds CP
Seteblite Mud Meadow Mid Coast
Tomreliner Dense Branches N
Yuâquesukis Judgement Place Gidomi, S of CP
Vselistoai Flower Village E of CP
Hexblurb for Cantata in Coral and Ivory
Sailor orchestrates court -- Fortissimo!
Courtiers faint.

Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com