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Serendipity’s Tide

Across a Jade Sea: Volume One

A shipwrecked warrior from half a world away

Batiya is an apprentice engineer on her world's first diesel-powered ocean liner. When she helps rescue an exotic-looking foreign man in a drifting lifeboat her only thought is to provide aid to the unfortunate. But the sinking of his ship was no accident, and soon Batiya's own ship is under attack.

Batiya doesn't know who the stranger is, or why so many people want him dead. But after he risks his life to save hers, she becomes determined to get him to his destination alive.

85000 Words

Buy at Air Castle Media (ePub, MOBI)

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More information about the characters and setting of this book can be found on the World Info Pages.

Keywords: , 1920s, 1st person pov, Adventure, Adventure, Asian, assassins, castaway, cross-cultural, dieselpunk, diversity, Edwardian, Fantasy without magic, fast-paced, female engineer, Imaginary History, marriage, noble warrior, pirates, Romance, Romance, secondary world, Slovakian, steam ships, strong female protagonist, strong heroine, Verdaia,

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Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com