Music and Verse

Star and Tree

by L. Shelby

Walked though blooming meadow blossoms, she
Camped by budding saplings strong was he
Met by running snow-melt streams did they
Joining in the morning of the day

Sang happily though show'rs and sun did she
Join'd her with bold baritone did he
Walked through sunlight ripening fields did they
Glorious gold the nooning of the day

Fair as the distant stars
Strong as the rooted tree
On, ever on goes time
Slow for her, and quick for he

Danced in evening starlight glimmer, she
Watching 'neath the harvest moon was he
Facing now the dying world were they
Wary of the ending of the day

Ran midst storms and stinging snows did she
Lying weak in stony halls was he
Knowing time had beaten them, grieved they
Surrendered to the darkness of the day

Fair as the distant stars
Old as a weathered tree
On, ever on goes time
Slow for her, and quick for he

Wept o'er blooming meadow blossoms, she
Camping not by sapling strong was he
Separate forever now were they
Weeping rained the mourning of the day

Copyright © 1994 Michelle Bottorff

The age old story of the love between a human and an elf.

Keywords: Fantasy, Racciman, secondary world,

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'You have a real flair for action and character, a rare combination.'
-- An Editor
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com