Music and Verse

The Washing

by L. Shelby

Upswing and Downswing,
The sun goes on turning
Upswing and Downswing
The world still is tilting!

Growing's past, Death's ahead,
But now the Washing falls instead.

The Washing, the Washing, causes the river's flood
The Washing if it doesn't soon stop!
Will turn all the fields to mud.

The rains come, the rains come
But when do the rains go?
When the world comes swinging back
The World tilts too slow!

Elsewhere it rains four times a year
But for only half as long as here.

The Washing, the Washing, washes the buildings clean,
The Washing if it doesn't soon stop!
Will turn all those buildings green.

Copyright © 1994 Michelle Bottorff

A song about the weather in Agolith

Keywords: Fantasy, Racciman, secondary world,

Hexblurb for Talking With Winds
Fighting rumors and weather
...with snark

Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com