Ialfa Fantasy World Story Quotes

“A handsome pot is one what holds water.” —A Borgim Proverb

“Silence is as much a part of music as is sound; it is the pattern of the two that creates rhythm.” —Nun'ghi in Cantata in Coral and Ivory

“If you don't follow the river's curve you might lose its course.” —A Borgim Proverb

“Politeness is the art of insulting someone in such a way that they are not allowed to act offended?” —The Most Astute Zelli tos Renpli in Velvet Lies

“How could I linger when I did not know where the logs stopped and the crocodiles began?” —Isde Ikhsior in Cantata in Coral and Ivory

“The only strength that lasts the summer is your own.” —A Borgim Proverb

“You mean the man's own servants won't say who killed him because it wouldn't be polite?” —The Most Astute Zelli tos Renpli in Velvet Lies

“Courting is the only business that should be pursued by moonlight.” —Isde Cinasor in Velvet Lies

“Secrets are spice.” —A Borgim Proverb

“I suppose that is an advantage of speaking with servants. It doesn't take them a paragraph to ask for clarifications.” —The Most Astute Zelli tos Renpli in Velvet Lies

“Obviously I can have no difficulty understanding you, but would you mind explaining anyway?” —Isde Cinasor in Velvet Lies

“Your tongue is like the elephant herds of the fesc-lands: slow to start, but mighty in its anger.” —Isde Lare in Cantata in Coral and Ivory

“That's just about as natural as an elephant with wings.” —Granny Gidifai in Cantata in Coral and Ivory


Keywords: Fantasy, Ialfa, secondary world,

Hexblurb for Pavane in Pearl and Emerald
Many Suitors
Treasonous Plots...

Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com