A brief list of Massitchsen's Worlds.

Shaped like a twelve-pointed star. The points form twelve continental masses and are high enough to extend out a considerable ways beyond the atmosphere.

A disk shaped world, oriented with the pole going through the middle of the flat sides so that it spins like a top. The edge is uninhabitable (too hot!) and the sides have neither day nor night. From what I can figure, a disk shaped world would have a gravitational pull that pulled the inhabitants sideways and down towards the middle, so it would feel like they were living in a dish, although the world is flat. Water would run towards the center and collect there.

A torus (doughnut) shaped world oriented so the rotational pole goes through the hole in the middle, and it spins like a top. The center is always dark. Gravity should be fairly normal on the outside edge, but as you start walking around towards the center, you go further and further 'downhill' until you fall off the inside edge of the world and float into the hole. But once in the middle all the pull is outwards, so you are essentially weightless. On this world, if you stand in the right place and flap your arms hard enough, you can fly.

A disk shaped world. The rotational pole goes through the disk from edge to edge, so that it flips about like a tossed coin.

Cube shaped world.

Cylinder world, rotates end over end, so that the middle gets some sunlight.

A world shaped like a torus. The rotational pole goes through the edges. I've started figuring out the climate patterns. Basically the inside edges are colder, and downhill, so there is an ocean spanning the inside rim. The water has this tendency to float about a bit. The central area is very cloudy. The outside edges on the equator are the 'tropical' areas, but the humidity distribution is uneven, tending toward desert conditions on the west sides.

Hexblurb for Frozen Witness
Can a dead girl leave footprints?
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com