Moracey Talon

Captain of the Penzance

Subspace Navigator - Penzance
Place of Origin
Fencing, Ballroom Dancing
Favorite Color
Favorit Weapon


Famed for his disregard for personal danger, Moracy Talon was working as a test pilot for the Galactic Legal Alliance research and development section when he was captured by Avery Shaw and Dampier Stede, and forced to pilot the scoutship they had intalled their experimental equiptment on. Avery Shaw declared that the GLA had broken their contract with him, and he was determined that the research he had been carrying out on their behalf should never fall into their hands. Talon sympathized with that goal, but couldn't accept the means by which Avery intended to achieve it. However, when he discovered that he had been declared a traitor to the Galactic Legal Alliance, with instructions to the Galactic Marines to shoot him on sight, he felt that joining Avery and Stede in their piratical enterprise was his only hope of survival. Talon had a formalized relationship with a dancing slave he had rescued, Dorami, but after the birth of their daughter, Bonnie Anne, Dorami committed suicide. It took Talon several years to recover from the loss.


Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown

Spouse: Dorami



3149266(0) Captain Moracey Talon is born - Temomon
3180208(30) Dorami contracts to Moracey Talon - Revenge II
318277(32) Bonnie Anne Talon is born - Revenge II
-97(32) Dorami dies - Revenge II
3188274(39) Moracey Talon transfered to the Penzance - Penzance
-275(39) Moracey Talon is elected captain of the Penzance - Penzance
318931(39) The Penzance pillages the Fullbright - Fullbright
3190239(40) The Penzance pillages the Silken Starlight - Silken Starlight
319231(42) Crew of the Penzance aquire the Treasure - Penzance
-194(42) News Feature "Girls Who Love Villians" posted -- includes a segement on Captain Talon - Galactic Jurisdiction
3195132(45) The Penzance pillages the Bargaolis - Bargaolis
319784(47) The Penzance pillages the Trakitikala - Trakitikala
3199103(49) The Penzance pillages the Soaring Mansion - Soaring Mansion
3201261(51) The Penzance pillages the Countess Darscough - Countess Darscough
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Email mbottorff at lshelby period com