
Captain of the Revenge

Engineer - Revenge III
Place of Origin
Galactic Jurisdiction
Collecting Antique Guns, Demolitions, Brawling
Favorite Color
Red, Black
Favorite Weapon
Colt 45 Peacemaker


Raised in poverty by a single mother, Blood joined the Galactic Marines in order to get the education he desperately craved. His bad temper eventually got him in serious trouble, and when the Revenge attacked his ship, they found him in the brig awaiting a court martial for attacking his sadistic commanding officer. Noting that he was a structural engineer trained in space construction, and knowing that work on Tortuga Station was not going well, Captain Shaw suggested he join the Brotherhood. Shortly after construction of Tortuga Station was completed, Captain Shaw was killed during a raid. Blood took command of the confused and devestated boarding party, and was afterward elected as the new Captain of the Revenge.


Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown


31726(0) Captain Torgay Blood is born - Galactic Jurisdiction
31906(18) Blood joins the Galactic Marines - Galactic Jurisdiction
3193182(21) Blood joins the Brotherhood - Revenge III
319779(25) Tortuga Station completed - Tortuga Station
3199162(27) Blood is elected captain of the Revenge III - Revenge III

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Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com